April 27th, 2014
This week I worked on updating the UI and implementing Inverse Kinematics. I simplified the navbar to contain only two buttons, one to show/hide the help text and the other to show/hide the information and buttons relating to the mannequin. I think this helps simplify the application to make it look more streamlined and easy to use. Additionally, I continued working on implementing Inverse Kinematics. I restructured some previous code relating to the joint limitations so I could reuse it in the cyclic coordinate descent function.
I ran into some trouble trying to get the <x,y,z> coordinate of the effector point based on where the user's mouse is located. The point tends to rapidly disappear into space when the camera is rotated. Additionally, I need to restructure the camera controls, as they cause the camera to move when the user is click/dragging the effector point. I may write my own code to handle the camera to have it only allow motion when a key is pressed at the same time.
I plan to finish implementing Inverse Kinematics, as well as continue to clean up the UI this week so that everything will be ready by the demo on Thursday.